The What if Question
Our emotions take us for a ride and the result is sometimes is what doesn’t serve us. Join me as I unpack the What if Question.
Simple Leadership
There is a lot of chatter out there on leadership. All of it has importance and intentionality. Leadership does not need to be complicated. Here are 3 key points to Simple leadership. 1)A simple life Leadership starts and ends with you the leader. Simply put the first step is to keep your life simple. Society […]
Your Factor
So are you in a place where life is spinning and your tired of trying? Do you wish that you could just stay to yourself and do nothing? In today’s blog I want to give you some ideas and thoughts about the trap of being worn out and being stuck in a situation that doesn’t […]
Intentional Time
Every day I am challenged to put down the things that waist my time and create intentional time. I find myself seeking habits and things that fill my cup and reflect who I am becoming. In todays blog join me in this adventure of what I call intentional time. Here are 3 things to help […]
Empathy and Time
So this is a sequel if you will to last weeks blog. I wanted to talk about empathy and time and how it relates to our every day life. So how many times do we get wrapped up in our own world through social media or just the day to day stuff that we loose […]
The Trusting Leader
If you’ve been following me for awhile you know that back in April I wrote a blog on having your own back. This week I wanted to share an experience I had on one of my business trips. I had a chance to talk the owner of a restaurant and he shared about trusting in […]
The Emotional Leader
The term “emotional leader” refers to someone who leads with a deep awareness and understanding of emotions—both their own and others’. Emotional leaders often demonstrate strong emotional intelligence, which includes key skills such as empathy, self-awareness, emotional regulation, and social awareness. They are able to connect with people on a deeper emotional level, fostering trust, […]
my perspective on leadership in Agriculture
The Agricultural industry can be a challenging yet rewarding industry depending on how we think about it. The challenge is finding the tools to navigate those challenges and changing the way we think about our industry. Join me as I explore the Why behind Agribusiness Leadership. The Story behind Agribusiness Leadership Some time ago I […]
4 Quick Tips To Create A Vision In Agribusiness
Here are 4 quick tips to creating a successful vision you can be empowered to deliver. Come along with me as I explore the reasons why. The why and the vision A team that has a leader who is empowered, believes in his vision, has complete confidence and is driven to perform is successful.I’ve observed […]
Why We Put Off The Vision
Why is creating a Vision so hard? Many agriculture businesses put it off until it’s almost too late. There are many reasons why but I want to dive into few in particular. Having a Vision is the back bone to you as a leader. Without a clear vision and the empowerment to believe in it […]