Arlen Motz

Agribussiness Leadership

Agribusiness Leadership provides the necessary tools to unveil the fundamental principles of

Empowered Leaders that Trust themselves and the relationships they lead and leaders who are curious to discover who they are and who they lead.

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The Trusting Leader

If you’ve been following me for awhile you know that back in April I wrote a blog on having your own back. This week I wanted to share an experience I had on one of my business trips. I had a chance to talk the owner of a restaurant and he shared about trusting in his ability.

From that conversation here are 3 tools that will help in your trust journey.

The Heart of Trust

Believing in yourself is the key to trusting yourself and effective leadership. It’s not just about managing resources; it’s about cultivating a relationship with yourself before you can build relationships with others.

Let’s explore three essential keys to building trust in leadership: what others think of you, how you view success and what it means to have your own back.

1. What Others Think of You

You can’t change what others think of you, but you can change how you think about how they think about you. Just like my short story in the video, the restaurant owner told me that he had made many floppy batches of Fish and Chips and the feedback of others helped him but he didn’t allow the negative comments to deter him from improving his batter.

When we take the challenge to reflect and learn, our perception changes how we move forward. The success of the next step is what enables you to trust yourself more.

When your words align with your deeds, you create a foundation of trustworthiness. Your team needs to know that they can count on you, not just in times of success, but also when challenges arise.

It’s about being there, showing up, and proving that you are dependable.

2. How You View Success

Success in agribusiness is not a solitary achievement; it’s a collective journey. Viewing success as an accomplishment and not a failure as seen by others.

It’s about recognizing and valuing the contributions your hard work and effort and challenging yourself to take the next step.

When you celebrate team achievements and individual milestones, you strengthen the bonds of trust. This collective view of success creates an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated, driving the entire team towards greater heights.

3. What It Means to Have Your Own Back

Trust also involves self-trust. When we try something and it fails, you need to find something you learned and try again.

Having your own back means being steadfast in your decisions and showing grace under pressure. It’s about demonstrating that you can handle adversity while remaining composed and trying again.

When your team sees that you trust yourself in all situations, it inspires them to trust you as well. This action is contagious and creates a ripple effect of confidence and empowerment.

Trust is the backbone that sustains relationships and drives success. Your Success comes from trying, maybe getting it wrong and that’s ok. Others may say and think otherwise and that’s ok. Take what you learned and try again.

When you think of being a leader are you overwhelmed? Do you struggle like I did with trusting my decision and owning it?

Now What?

Take the next step in your leadership journey and sign up for Agribusiness Mentorship Program. This program is designed to provide you with the tools to trust yourself and help you learn how empowerment happens.

Sign up before December 30th and receive a 10% discount on your enrollment. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your future and the future of your agribusiness.

You get to create and inspire a successful team built on trust and empowerment. Believe it!

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